
thank you to everyone who came out to our fall 2020 recruitment events!

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• Be declared pre-business, business, hospitality, or economics major.

• Have an overall GPA of 2.8 or above.

• Have at least 2 semesters left before graduating.

• Attend at least 3 events including 1 Professional event.

• Schedule Video Interview (professional attire)

• Submit an online application, video introduction, an unofficial transcript, and resume (emailed to dspsvpsjsu@gmail.com)


Before joining these zoom meetings, please make sure that you are using your SJSU email (ending in @sjsu.edu) to join or you will not be able to join. Please also remember to register for the events.

Meet the chapter: https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsfuCgrzooG9wmpxkrZryVZHi5XRc_JAXu

Community Service event: https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vd-qoqzkjH9fH8xCQhTQWyBDzeqdsDqdI

Professional Event: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/95547342710

Alumni Panel: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/98934838900

Brother Panel: https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sce2hqTIoHNYQ3LgeNm1_D8BpGDeIGfth


What is recruitment season?
Recruitment season is two weeks of professional and social events where you have the opportunity to meet the brothers of the Fraternity. These events allow you to learn about our organization and determine whether it is a great fit for you.

When does recruitment season start?
Recruitment season is during the first two weeks of school with our first event (event information can be found on the flyer) on Wednesday, September 9th.

Why should I join?
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional co-ed business fraternity that offers hands-on experience in professionalism, community service, and social activities. As a member, you will be exposed to our international network of over 265,000 initiates and develop skills in preparation for the corporate world.

You will also create unique and life-long friendships among motivated individuals with common goals and interests.

Can I be a brother of Delta Sigma Pi and Alpha Kappa Psi?
Alpha Kappa Psi is another professional co-ed business fraternity, and unfortunately, you cannot be a brother of both fraternities. However, we do encourage you to evaluate the two organizations and determine which one is the best fit for you.

Does Delta Sigma Pi have its own house?
No. As a professional fraternity we are not allowed to have an official house, but there are several brothers who live together.

Does Delta Sigma Pi condone hazing?
No, as a professional fraternity, we do not tolerate that behavior.

What is the difference between Delta Sigma Pi and other business organizations?
We are more selective. Some organizations accept all majors while Delta Sigma Pi only accepts Business, Economics, and Hospitality majors.

How much time will pledging take?
The workload is comparable to a part-time internship. We also ask that you keep select Sundays free throughout the 5 – 6 week process.

Where can I find more information?
Please check out our Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin or you can directly contact our Senior Vice President at dspsvpsjsu@gmail.com.