2020-21 Internships


Name Company Position Location
Human Resources
Klety Kochumon Beigene HR Intern San Jose
Kristy Nguyen California's Great America Human Resources Legal Compliance Associate Santa Clara
Marketing and PR
Shilah Alojipan Lyftly Marketing Intern San Jose
Carson Lau Walgreens Community Management Intern San Francicsco
Shreeja Potluri Optimity Marketing Intern San Jose
Shibangi Sahu Braven Communications Intern San Jose
Tuyen Tong Ambii Marketing Intern San Jose
Sales and Operations
Nancy Do Moss Adams Assurance Intern San Jose
Shivam Heda VMware WWCS Sales Acceleration Intern Palo Alto
Julia Nam Gosite Sales Development Intern San Diego
Shree Vijayaraj Lucas Graduate School of Business Information Specialist San Jose
Chinmay Yadav Cisco Project Management Intern San Jose
Technology and Engineering
Andrew Chang Zoom Video Communications IT Analyst Intern San Jose
Iris Chu City of San Jose Fleet Department IT Intern San Jose
Wilson Ngo City of San Jose Public Works Student Intern San Jose